Now that the summer holyday has gone like a wind flow, it is time to finally, take charge of the excess weight, getting your body in the best shape ever. While eating right and hitting the gym are two options for losing weight and keeping in shape, you can also turn to the power of hypnosis. Many people have good …
Can Acupuncture Help You Lose Weight?
In recent years, more and more people are trying out acupuncture to lose weight. Just what is acupuncture? How can acupuncture treatment help you lose weight? Acupuncture is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and has been around for about 5,000 years. It is the practice of inserting very thin needles to stimulate pathways or meridians in the body …
Weight Loss with Alternative Medicine
Weight loss is one of the big topics-no pun intended-on the late night television circuit. While flipping through the channels after 11p.m., you are apt to come across several advertisements for weight loss pills and diet supplements, each promising to help you drop those unwanted kilos and remove stubborn belly fat once and for all. Let’s face it, if these …
The Benefits of Juniper Berries for Viruses
Juniper berries The juniper tree, Juniperus communis, is an evergreen shrub that grows in many parts of the world, including North America, Europe, and Asia (1Trusted Source). It produces seed cones that are commonly known as juniper berries. Though the berries’ coloring varies, most are deep blue. Their aroma is often described as woody or spicy. They have a tart, …
Can Herbal Medicines Fight Coronavirus?
We have Alternatives anytime. Let’s keep our eyes open and take our “news” from trust sources. Healthy eating, healthy lifestyle, healthy Herbal Medicine. Originally published on Source: Research over the past two decades shows that certain herbal medicines can fight the new Wuhan coronavirus contagion. Let’s review the evidence showing that certain plant medicines can fight similar …